Title: Knighthood For The Elite
By: Brian D. Starr
By: Brian D. Starr
ISBN-13: 978-1479103264
ISBN-10: 1479103292
Review Date: December 5, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
In his new book release Knighthood For The Elite, Christian author Brian D. Starr, delves into the subject of Knighthood, revealing secrets of the Christian/Judea religion that are not readily visible, nor easily understood, to the average Christian that does not have knowledge of the genealogy and knighthood of past Saints and historical figures.
With diligent and extensive research, and the inclusion of intricate ancestral lineage charts, the author unveils the challenge of the Knighthood, it's meaning, ancestral lineage and individuals that have taken part in this most honorable endeavor. This work also encompasses a grand scale of Saints to include, the mother of Jesus, as well research as to a large volume of Saints, apostles and participants in the cannons of the Bible, not to mention their descendants. Part of this compilation is a comprehensive discussion of the nine most worthy warriors of times past from three different eras (three from each): the Christian era, the Hebrew (Biblical) era and Roman, Greek and Macedonian eras.
With diligent and extensive research, and the inclusion of intricate ancestral lineage charts, the author unveils the challenge of the Knighthood, it's meaning, ancestral lineage and individuals that have taken part in this most honorable endeavor. This work also encompasses a grand scale of Saints to include, the mother of Jesus, as well research as to a large volume of Saints, apostles and participants in the cannons of the Bible, not to mention their descendants. Part of this compilation is a comprehensive discussion of the nine most worthy warriors of times past from three different eras (three from each): the Christian era, the Hebrew (Biblical) era and Roman, Greek and Macedonian eras.
The author has painstakingly and craftfully compiled this work, encompassing the following chapters: The Priest, The Five Generation Genesis of God, (the Davidic, Aaronic Levitical, the Gamalas and Arimathea); The Time of the Crucifixion and the Era of Christianity; the High Priest of Israel and the Houses of Eleazar, Elizabeth, Don Verch Mathonry, James, Joseph, Alphaeus and Thomas.
This work involves extensive research and is a valuable resource to anyone who desires to unlock the secrets of the Christian/Judea religion, understanding the role and importance of research in genealogy, knighthood and sainthood. These roles and recordings of certain historical figures interplay together in our world, in religion and in history. This is a well-written and informative book and one that is unique in genre and presentation.
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