Christian Author Roland Ramirez breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark

Divinely inspired, Roland Ramirez, breaks down the two storms written in the books of Matthew and Mark. Studying and commenting on each verse, readers catch a glimpse of the context and learn lessons of faith to find victory. Readers will discover new and fresh insights, as these stories that build character and faith within the body of Christ. Learn to overcome life’s trials, and glean from these two storms, to understand that with Jesus, you are never alone and you can get through to victory in your life’s storms.

We all are familiar with the storm that arose wherein the disciples were terrified and the Lord seemed to be asleep in the bow of the boat. The other storm arose and Jesus was walking on water; Peter called out to Him, and then Jesus spoke to Peter to “Come.”  When God says, “Come,” what is our response? This book is written to help readers understand various aspects of each of these two storms. Do we get out of the boat? Do we have faith? When do we call out to Jesus for help?

The theme of the book is a call to endurance, and to call out to our Lord quickly, knowing that we can experience victory no matter what storm we may experience in life with Jesus helping or at the helm of our boat. Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by an explanation with several introspective questions at the end. This book could be used individually, or in a group Bible setting. A salvation prayer at the back is included for those who need to reach out to the Lord. This is a wonderful way to reach out to the lost, teach them, increase their faith, and encourage them to walk through their trials with the Lord in their lives.

Also, a must-read book for every Christian as a reminder to Whom we follow and for encouragement within all the trials we face in this life.

This book helps one to refocus on the Lord and Scripture, and also to remember that no one is excluded from the trials and tests of this life; yet, we have Jesus and His victory to help us walk through any storm, situation, or circumstance. A great encouragement and challenge to learn to lean on the Lord at all times.

You may get your copy of Jesus and the Two Storms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

The Revelation of the Cross for You by Roland Ramirez, (spent twenty years in the making of this book), gives readers a greater understanding of how the crucifixion of Christ reversed curses set forth by sin. 

Taking the reader back to the beginning, this is a fast-paced read to understand the nature of crucifixion, its origins, and its purpose in the Roman Empire. He blends historical and Biblical facts, Adam and Eve’s sin compared to the cross, and how that represents our healing from the cross. We are set free from not only sin, but shame, guilt, and so much more. He weaves such an interesting read that one will come to understand that he did not receive this revelation from any other source, yet this has been revealed to the author through prayer and the Word. This is a powerful and easy-to-read book that brings wonderful and compassionate insight to the multiple blessings of the cross for you.

Brief and to the point, the author stays true to Scripture with chapters such as: The Crucifixion, The Triumphal Entry, The Prayer in the Garden, The Sweat, The Blindfold, Scourged, The Crown of Thorns, The Beard and The Cheeks, The Reed and The Staff, The Hands, The Feet, Forsaken, The Last Breath, The Side, The Focus with Multiple Purposes, The Tree of Life, Conclusion & Suggested Prayer of Salvation. All chapters focus on the wounds and significance of the wounds received by Jesus in His own body on the cross and what that means for you.

Truly, this man has written as directed by the Lord and helps one to deeply understand the suffering and the significance of The Revelation of the Cross for You! 

A highly recommended read for ALL, whether believer or not!

You may get your copy of The Revelation of the Cross for You at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Current Events - The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness

Multi-published author Mark Biltz, Pastor and Founder of El Shaddai Ministries writes a phenomenal book: America at War: 2024-2026 - The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness. 

This is a timely book release that speaks of the coming war in America! Mark Biltz helps those seeking understanding of the current times that we are living in, offering deep insight into the knowledge of God’s calendar and appointed times. These appointed times and signs in the heavenlies from the sun and moon directly coincide with solar eclipses, blood moons, of the past, present, and future. Colorful charts, maps, and graphs help readers to understand the chronological events of solar eclipses back to the creation of mankind and an eschatology of the events to come according to God’s Appointed Feasts and Timelines. 

A Great Solar Eclipse is scheduled according to NASA to go across American soil on April 8th, 2024, particularly over Texas and what is known as the Texas Triangle, which is the human trafficking capitol area of the world. Mark Biltz explains the implications for America in relation to this solar eclipse, alongside what other solar eclipses represent. Fascinating! Sobering, as well, is the God of all Heaven speaking to us? 

He also gives Biblical knowledge of the current Palestinian conflict and war in Israel against Hamas, which is an ancient conflict that has never been solved. Scripture and teaching bring understanding to whose land it is and also, whose land it is not. 

With such incredible and fascinating chapters as: The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness, Philistines, Palestine and the Land of Israel, The True Prophetic Significance of the Blood Moons in 2014, 2015 by understanding the Shemitah and the Jubilee Cycles, Which Calendar Does the LORD use, Timing is everything-God’s Appointed Times, The Coming Eclipse on the Divine Appointments, Understanding the Times and Seasons, Who was Amalek and who is Amalek today, Matthew 24 and Hanukkah, The Final Harvest, and lastly, My Sedar Olam: The chronology of key Biblical events and every Jubilee and Shemitah Cycle dated to the creation of man. 

Mark Biltz has done an incredible amount of research and math, combined with rich knowledge of the scriptures to warn America – WAR is on the horizon! This is a significant book and vital to the times we are living in. If you want to understand the days, times, and seasons that you are living in, this book is a MUST READ! With discussion questions at the end, this book could also be used in a group Bible study setting as it relates to the history of Israel and current events. 

This is also a Reference book full of information. You will find Mark Biltz’s book to be exact, full of facts and information concerning Biblical feasts and text, to include Scripture and the Hebrew written Scripture. There is so much in this book that a book review does not cover everything mentioned in the book. 

For more information about America at War: 2024-2026 The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness visit author Mark Biltz at El Shaddai Ministries.

The Treasure Within

The roaring 20’s, the Great Depression and a theme of seeking the Kingdom of God first and laying up treasures in heaven. Treasure Gilroy, as the main character, leaving her life of fame and fortune as a model for New York, London and Paris, is headed for the Australian outback. Seeking a new start, after receiving her late grandmother’s inheritance, Treasure sets off on a journey to discovery of herself. Within that, she discovers love and that leaving the past behind for a new life in God is possible. With many twists and turns, readers will understand that where their heart is, there is also their treasure. This a wonderful Christian fiction novel that gives light and hope amidst life’s turmoil that ends in goodness and seeking the Lord. With a gift of insight into spiritual matters, the author takes readers on journey of the heart to find the treasure that lies within them, encouraging them to seek God and that “good” can come out of life’s journeys. Mixed with teachings on love and forgiveness, the author displays the sanctity of marriage as to be revered, and friendships and helping the poor to be an honor. Get your copy of Discovering Treasure at Amazon.

Reading this novel will help bring light and wholeness into your own life, as you consider your own journey with God and with the people you love. 

We all like happy endings, and indeed this Christian romance has happy endings for all the characters involved. You will not be disappointed with this uplifting romance!  A recommended must read for those on a journey of the heart.

Living A Holy Life As A Nation and A People

Get your Kindle download today.

Return to Christianity by A.M. Deigloriam is a wake-up call to America, the complacent, the compromising, the slothful, and all who are disobedient to the Lord’s commands.  The book is not meant to put down anyone, but to lift up and re-focus readers on Christian values that many Americans have lost and/or take for granted.

Bringing to the fore front one of the greatest commandments: Love thy neighbor as thyself - this book takes a look at the position of wealth in America and reminds people that wealth is not to be trusted in, but God who gives to all richly everything to enjoy. With that said, wealth is not meant to be spent on oneself, for purchasing expansive houses or luxury cars, but wealth is meant to help the poor. 

A.M. Deigloriam addresses the notion that the poor are somehow being punished for their sins and don’t deserve help. With a historical look at the original twelve apostles, the author brings readers back with scripture to the core values that this country has lived by, which we are quickly losing, as many Americans have forgotten God and living a holy life.
  • This read is a highly recommended for those that desire to do good in their sphere of influence. With sound biblical teaching and insight, this author has compiled this book to be a reminder to Americans to return back to Christianity. Also, I would go as far to say that every Christian and member of the Body of Christ should read this book. 
  • Timely in nature, this message speaks to the greed and apathy of a compromising church, as our country seems to be straying farther away from godly policy to man-made policies that are against the core values of America and against God Himself.
  • You may get your copy of Return to Christianity in Kindle.

True Brokenness Always Leads To Restoration

God's Chosen People. Take a journey deep into the scriptures, history, culture and God's love for his chosen people, Israel. This is an intense, yet easy to read book filled with volumes of information on the Jewish people. You will be amazed at what the author has penned. 

Those questions that we so many times have about the Jewish people can all be answered through out the pages of this book. Pick up a copy for yourself and share it with a friend. You won't be disapointed.

Romance of the Hebrew Calendar: Breaking the Alabaster Jar by Dr. Raphael Ben Levi sheds light in his comprehensive book (900 pages) on the Jewish Hebraic calendar. He invites readers to contemplate, reflect and understand the Jewish people (God’s chosen) and the multiple layers, dimensions and appointed feasts of the Lord. As God’s chosen people, the Jewish race play a crucial part in Christianity and the history of world events. With this in mind, the author speaks from a perspective as a descendant from Holocaust escapees and writes with a Messianic Jewish perspective, giving a keen understanding of the Hebraic roots.

From the Israelites in captivity in the wilderness to Passover, to many of the memorialized days that lie within the times and dates within the Jewish calendar, the author helps readers understand the full cultural aspects within a contextual and biblical perspective. Systematically, the author presents a thorough and comprehensive overview of God’s people, their sufferings, and afflictions that offers a vast amount of wisdom from years of study. The Jewish roots that have shaped Christianity unfolds in such a way that reveals the love relationship which the Lord God has with His people and the nations of the World.

Fascinating, easy-to-read, and historically accurate, the author has selected quotes from various sources, then presents explanatory charts that not only summarize the 12 month calendar, but also include a detailed description of the 12 Tribes of Israel, and their location within the tribe’s camp, offering a clear look into the ancestry of the birth of Israel and so much more. Within this, the meaning and significance of the Breastplate of the High Priest and the corresponding jewels reveal a complicated subject with ease.  Further exploring the rich Jewish identity, the author brings revelation from the Scriptures without the “esoteric mystical interpretation” often incorporated within this subject. The author describes his endeavors as, “. . . a divine romance dancing to the heartbeat of the Hebrew calendar. What can we compare it to? It is like a deer who pants for running streams. . .” and that, “True brokenness always leads to restoration.” What a profound statement for a book about the Jewish calendar! His book is quite unique, embellished with commentaries, stories and historical/cultural insight that will ignite a passion for the things of God that bring a vast understanding and honor of the Jewish nation, people and culture.

Highly recommended for an instructional syllabus for College level instruction and is highly recommended for the individual and/or group study that seeks to deepen their intimacy and level of understanding of the Jewish calendar as they relate to our modern day biblical celebrations. Get your copy at your favorite online bookstore. 

Christian Author Gale Alvarez

In Heartbeats, The Rhythm of Love, Author Gale Alvarez takes readers on a journey through 101 life-learned reflections that offer hope, inspiration and faith in a loving, merciful God. 

Capturing the essence of God’s heart for you, Heartbeats, The Rhythm of Love, is filled with Scripture verses, God’s promises, and insightful ponderings that offer new hope and perspective from the many life-lessons and reflections the author shares. 

Be inspired, refreshed, through life’s turbulent circumstances as the author shares the ever-present God, who is the Possible God” that can do “Impossible Things.” This book will build faith and trust in your daily walk with God. Each page has a chosen teaching that reveals his heartbeat for you as you walk in the rhythm of love with your Maker.

In this current trend of skepticism and negativity that pervades this World, this book offers fresh faith and insight. Readers will find hope, wisdom and encouragement from the many life-reflections that present themselves in an easy reading, daily devotional style, bringing hope to the hopeless and will inspire readers to trust God with all their heart, mind, body and soul. 

Welcome the God that longs for you to be in-step with His heartbeat.  Discover the perfect gift for a loved one or perhaps the perfect gift for yourself to provide peace, clear perspective and revitalized hope.

Lay Hold Of God's Word

Psalm 42:11 Why are you cast down, O my soul?  And why are you disquieted within me?  Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.  

Have you ever felt everyone was against you, and there was no way of escape?  David felt like this many times when he was being chased by King Saul, who wanted to kill him.  What did David do?  

He told himself to start concentrating on the Lord, Who was going to meet the need.  So many times people become bound in their spirit, because they are looking at the circumstances instead of expecting the Lord to meet the need or provide the protection.  

When trials come your way look to God’s promises, and expect Him to honor His Word by meeting the need.  He is longing to help you, but is waiting for you to rely on Him.  

Prayer Thought  Impossibilities were created for the Christian to lay hold of God’s Word and DO IT!

The Many Dangers and Pitfalls That Christians encounter - 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan

Fast-paced, well-researched and with valuable Christian values and life lessons, discover how to navigate the waters of life.

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan Jr. presents a powerful, intriguing look into history's past, as "history can be our greatest teacher."  Using the 1912 Titanic sinking metaphorically, the author gives insight into the warnings, dangers and signs that ultimately led to the needless loss of over 1,500 lives in the icy Atlantic sea over 100 years ago.  Elaborating the many dangers and pitfalls Christians encounter, the author, uses the example of the Titanic, and keenly offers a parallel scenario in the life of many Christians.  Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find these warning signs and dangers that the Titanic ignored, ring true for all of humanity. Timeless in nature, this book captures the essence of the Titanic's sinking and presents far reaching repercussions into our modern-day life that call for our attention and action.  ----- Our eternity is at stake! 

Intertwining scripture, the author teaches one to build upon biblical principles versus worldly principles.  Encouraging all to uncover the hidden dangers in life, such as trusting in wealth, and thinking that (you) are unsinkable, the author also gives the opportunity to seek Jesus Christ as your "life raft" in life – presenting time-tested biblical principles that cannot fail. A wonderful, unforgettable read.

You may get your copy of 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at Millennium Vision Press

Using Christian Book Marketing to share Christian books with the world.

What Is It To Be Born Again - Set Free by Peggy Yellen


Christian Author Peggy Yellen's Set Free - sharing her born-again experience and spiritual journey through life to the abundant grace and truth of God.  Being "re-born" by the Spirit of God, Peggy Yellen shares scripture and what it means to be truly born-again.  Peggy encourages all to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by presenting to readers the reality of life in Christ.

Her story is remarkable and demonstrates the power of God to see His children through the darkest of times, revealing His unfailing love.  Testifying to the power of God and deliverance from the darkest pit of despair, Set Free is a short, yet encouraging life memoir offering hope to the saved and the unsaved – inspiring all to look to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This is a must read.

You may order your copy of Set Free by Peggy Yellen at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble.and at other fine online bookstores. Get your copy today ...

Christian Novel Reading - EMMA RIGHT'S DEAD DREAMS

Created as a young adult contemporary psychological thriller, this emotional drama takes readers on a journey through main character, Brie's life. 


Young Brie, has just turned eighteen and she knows what she wants.  Now on her own for her first time, common sense seems to get thrown out the window as she lets Sarah, an heiress to a coal mining fortune enter her world. At first things are polite, but strange happenings begin to occur as Brie starts to wonder about Sarah—did she make a mistake? 

Filled with the theme of eternity, destiny and finding one's true desires…this read comes highly recommended as Brie's dreams quickly morph into nightmares with dire consequences.  Will Brie continue to throw out common sense and keep her roommate? 

Emma Right takes the reader on many twists and turns throughout this psychological mystery thrill ride, basing this novel on the scripture, "What if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"  Ingeniously and masterfully written, Emma Right, has created a hugely popular series, sure to inspire and encourage young adults to turn from selfish ambition into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

Emma Right is a happy wife, Christian homeschooler and mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a longhaired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get their little noses in one.  Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Get your copy of Dead Dreams: Book 1 and other books by Emma Right at Amazon. Dead Dreams: Book 1 is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Be sure to visit Emma Right at her author's website for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and other great ministry. You may follow Emma at her Facebook page

Christian Author Book Releases, sharing Christian authors with the world.

The Grandest Battle Of All - God’s Strategic Plan

Author Robert V. Fullerton, in his new book, God's Strategic Plan, sheds light on the amazing history of mankind through a biblical perspective - revealing the amazing destiny, identity and purpose planned for mankind, encouraging all to find their own purpose in God. 

Beginning with a look at the grandest battle of all – the war in Heaven mentioned in Genesis, the author presents a biblical overview of mankind's drama from Genesis to Revelation, ending in the climatic reality of the Cross and salvation, encouraging all to take part in God's Kingdom as Fishers of Men. Fascinating, uplifting and with keen insight, God's Strategic Plan, illuminates for all the past, present and future history of mankind, ultimately leading to God's counter attack and strategic plan for all of humanity. 

With such chapters as: The Origin of Strategic Planning, In the Beginning, Earth-the Battlefield, The Battle of Eden, God's Chosen People, The Creator Strikes Back, Enter the Dragon's Lair, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Slaying of the Dragon, The Triumph of the Lamb, "Follow Me and I will Make You Fisher's of Men, What's My destiny Mama?, and Finding Your destiny in God – all believers will find insight into their own destiny-filled purpose with God.  Offering immense hope and inspiration, the author presents practical scriptural application to finding one's true-identity in Christ within His Kingdom.  A highly recommended read!      

God's Strategic Plan
Robert V. Fullerton, CPA and MBA
Review Date: May 5, 2014
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of God's Strategic Plan at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores.

Life and the Hereafter

The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter by Larry Jones sheds light on Eternity and asks, "Where will you spend your Eternity?"  Offering the truth from the Bible, Jones gives understanding to what the Bible has to say about salvation, the End Times, leading up to the coming Judgment as defined in Hebrews 9:27 and much, much more.  Death is inevitable –  as the author notes. But did you know that there is a very real place called Hell and that Heaven is not a myth?  Come discover what the Bible has to say about both and make a decision today for Jesus Christ today.

As an apostle and prophet, Larry Jones is, "Planting the Word of God for eternal and true abundant life into believer's hearts."  His mission, as a visionary leader, is to tear down, root out, pull down and destroy the kingdoms of darkness.  He is the founder of the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries who are planting 49 mega churches, and a 10,000 seat auditorium to surround this nation with the Glory of God.  God has also given Larry another vision to create another TBN/DayStar.  Ministering to the world the eternal Word of God.  Jones is also multi-published author, seeking to ignite passion for Jesus.

Get your copy of The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter at Amazon, and in Kindle Edition.. You may also visit Author Larry Jones at Christian Reading, at Save My Soul Lord and at Change Your World by Thought.

Be sure to see Pastor Larry Jones at The Sherry Bronson Show for further information and some great ministry.

Shedding light on the Laws of the Universe, that govern the physical world

Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever: Clear Path to Success by Larry Jones reverberates CHANGE.  Bold, outspoken and powerful, the author exclaims, "It is not what you think, but how you think what you think."  As an Entrepreneur for Christ, author, speaker, teacher and life coach, Jones does not dispute eternal salvation in Jesus Christ, yet highlights from years of Bible study that you are what you think!  Giving his own experience and presenting a proven biblical pathway to success, the author notes Proverbs, "For as he thinketh in his heart so is he," shedding light on the "Laws of the Universe," that govern the physical world.  Intriguing and inspiring, the author writes, "Your life is only a mirrored image of your thinking."  Your own thoughts and inner life, as the book notes, play a huge role in developing who you are, where you are at in your life - producing good or bad outcomes.  Discover that thoughts are like seeds (without a physical form) that either produce life or death in your life.  From a firm biblical perspective, author Larry Jones gives proven biblical principles that will transform your life!  Get out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary with this exciting book that will reinvent your life - FOREVER.  

Be sure to visit author Larry Jones at Christian Reading or at Change Your World by Thought. You may get your copy of Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever in Kindle Edition.

Available May 14, 2014 - An Invisible Hand by Kathy Golden

An Invisible Hand by Kathy Golden tells of healings that begin to take place in Belinda Johnson’s life.  Unaccustomed to these miraculous occurrences, Belinda soon finds herself at odds with some of the circumstances regarding the phenomenon, and she struggles to understand her “gift.” By her own admission, she prefers an uncomplicated life, but her life is further complicated by a new romantic relationship.

With uplifting miracles and a thought-provoking perspective, readers will find this novel to be well-written and with a cast of characters that are easily identifiable – just like people you know. They could be your next-door neighbor or your co-worker.  Journey with author Kathy Golden as she opens the door to the miraculous in An Invisible Hand.

Kathy Golden has studied creative writing at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. She also evaluates manuscripts before the publishing process, offering reviews and critiques before printing.  In addition to writing both fiction and non-fiction, she enjoys composing and recording Christian music and listening to audiobooks.

An Invisible Hand will be available at online retailers on May 14, 2014.  Visit An Invisible Hand by Kathy Golden to read an excerpt and sign up for updates. You mat get your copy of An Invisible Hand at Amazon.

A New Emerging Prophetic Voice in Today's Church - Hakeem Collins

Hakeem Collins, in his new release, Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You offers a concise study guide giving understanding to the paramount importance of the prophetic ministry and the modern-day prophet.  As an international speaker and prophet called to his generation, Hakeem Collins, presents a firm biblical foundation, giving insight into the ministry of the prophet as seen from the Old Testament, speaking on the relevancy of the office of the prophet for the church today – in fact a church cannot function properly without the prophetic ministry or the prophet, the author states.  

This book comes highly recommended for pastors and teachers that desire revival within their congregations, churches and cities.  Encouraging and uplifting, Collins approach in this book exhorts, instructs and offers wisdom in an easy to understand format, describing the absolute necessity of the prophetic function within the church of today.  

As a new emerging prophetic voice, called to his generation to “upgrade” the church into the future- and as founder of Champions International Ministries, an itinerant ministry helping others to discover their destiny and purpose with God. Collins is also an affiliated member of IMPACT Network under John Eckhardt of Chicago, IL.  Called to the nations, called to impact his generation, his desire is to see others develop into “world leaders and changers” for the cause of Christ.  

In his new book, Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You, Collins shares his vast knowledge of the prophetic – giving the reader a study guide to developing their prophetic voice.  Desiring revival, Collins notes that each individual has a purpose, a calling and gifts – this book will help those interested in the prophetic to understand thoroughly the purpose and function of the modern-day prophet, prophetic ministry and prophecy.   

Learn that all can prophesy in Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through You  -A highly recommended new book release that has the power to transform your world and others around you!

To find out more about the author and his book, visit Hakeem Collins at Born to Prophesy: God’s Voice Speaking Through YouGet your copy at Amazon and in Kindle Edition

Using Christian Book Marketing to share the prophetic ministry with the body of Christ.

Press Release - Northern Alabama - David J. Keyser, PhD., releases Hear Their Tiny Cries

For Immediate Release
CBM Christian Author Press Release

Hear Their Tiny Cries by multi-published author Dr. David Keyser is a heroic and challenging read giving a voice to the unborn. 

Quad Cities area, Northern Alabama – David J. Keyser, PhD., releases Hear Their Tiny Cries ­– addressing the controversial issue of abortion.  With over 19 published works, Dr. Keyser holds 3 Masters Degrees and a PhD in systematic theology.  With a passion for writing, his books encompass mainly Christian principles that include many fascinating novels of fiction. 

In his new release, Hear Their Tiny Cries, gives a voice to the unheard cries of aborted children.  Challenging, yet graphic and to the point, this fictional novel is set in Europe as the story of one man and life altering circumstances cause him to take a stand for the unwanted children.  Losing his beloved wife on the abortion table, he has a new perspective and cause after discovering a tiny newborn in a trashcan.  This new cause is the pro-life cause.  Deciding to make a difference in these children’s lives, he sets on an adventure of a lifetime, which blossoms into treasures, as many children will be helped in the future with the blessings of life and a home.  Endearing, touching and poignant, this novel reveals a higher calling to all, make a difference and stop the mass murder called “abortion,” highlighting the fact that all children are gifts from God with unique abilities. 

Not recommended for the faint at heart, this novel educates and inspires those that would consider abortion – to consider life as an alternative.  Parents of pre-teens are advised, as the book touches on methods of abortion, physical side effects of abortion, post abortion complications, partial birth abortion procedure, and post abortion symptoms.  As the author notes, “It is time to understand the process of abortion, to stop abortion and to ban abortion.”  Let the children live is Keyser’s point and the novel is a cry for the tiny voices that go unheard.  An amazing read!

Get your copy of Hear Their Tiny Cries at Amazon in paperback, in Kindle Edition and at CreateSpace. Be sure to check out more of Dr. Keyser’s books including the Millennial Reign Series at Books Of Faith.


Put Away Childish Things, a must read by Dr. Kirk Lewis

Title: Put Away Childish Things
By: Dr. Kirk Lewis
Review Date: January 13, 2014
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Put Away Childish Things by Dr. Kirk Lewis presents nine very familiar biblical characters into the forefront.  All these extraordinary men and women from the Bible are familiar stories, most likely in Sunday school.  Stories of Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Isaac, Miriam and more, yet the author gives insight into their calling that leaves an indelible imprint on the human soul.  You see, all these biblical characters present their lives as examples for us to live by, in which God reveals His love, protection and provision. 

Each one had their own feelings, character, flaws and misconceptions, yet they all have one thing in common – obedience in spite of feelings, convictions or thoughts on their part; they all obeyed God and served God unquestionably.  As the author notes, they undoubtedly must have had their own doubts, fears and confusion that they wrestled with in their minds.  We as believers also wrestle, yet we have the same choice when faced with the call of the Father – follow or flee? 

This book is a timely book in the season of many people's lives today – in that many are given a choice today: follow or flee?  Many individuals are being called and chosen, yet they have a choice, choose to trust and follow God or go about their own way, choosing their own free will.  These choices are not easy choices to make in one's life and sometimes God's call is not easy.  Poignantly, the author shares this truth and the truth of God's Word as something to be treasured, pondered and shared.   

In a poetic, creative and unique way, Dr. Kirk Lewis has given us their examples of what they faced, displaying the love of God as they chose to follow Him.  His writings offer insights into these simple men and women who were called and what they were called to that provide much encouragement and comfort.  Lewis has made these stories a reflection of the biblical stories we are aware of, but delves much deeper, into the heart attitudes of these incredible men and women that make their stories absolutely relevant today.   Putting Away Childish Things is not what you expect it to be, but yields a peculiar harvest for those that want to go deeper with God into the things of God.  An amazing and inspiring read!

You can get your copy of Put Away Childish Things at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to get your copy today. Be sure to visit the author at Dr. Kirk Lewis or at his Facebook page.

Using the power and reach of Christian Book Marketing to sow God's Word around the world.