For Immediate Release
CBM Christian Author Press Release
Robert Bernecker of Waxahachie, Texas releases Who's Your Father? – a revolutionary book that challenges readers to develop a radically different perspective of God. Bernecker's new work is an amazing eye-opener for Christians everywhere. Rich in Scripture, and written in a well-informed and easy-to-understand manner, this book will powerfully transform the reader's relationship with their heavenly Father—this transformation is ushered in by the pivotal realization that the church of our day is laboring under severely misplaced boundaries which it has put on both God's sovereignty and His loving involvement in our lives. This book is a compelling cry for the church to return to the high view of God that was held by the Reformers and the champions of the faith from past years; in fact, Bernecker reinforces the solid scriptural foundation from which he writes with many relevant quotes from great Christian leaders and thinkers such as Spurgeon, Augustine, Edwards, Luther, Tyndale, Lewis, and many others. The book invites all to experience the incredible benefits which inevitably flow from correctly understanding the true God who is revealed in the Bible, showing readers how they can truly rest in God's loving purpose for their lives, and it makes plain the certainty with which they can trust God to fulfill His purpose.
As a lifetime student of the Bible who has been deeply involved in his church and ministries for over thirty years, this recently retired CEO of a multi-million dollar company brings the unique perspective of a layman to bear on weighty biblical issues in a way that make it easy for all to understand. His non-theologian's approach to difficult theological issues is refreshing and inspiring. Bernecker's lifetime experiences and intensive study of the Bible have opened his eyes to the inseparable connection between God's sovereignty and God's love, and he explains brilliantly how much of the church of our day misses this vital link. He shares this biblical viewpoint in a new release that is both unique and thought-provoking, a book that carefully challenges old thought patterns and preexisting notions of who God is and how He works in our world today. New and mature believers alike will come to know God as never before, and they will develop a wonderfully satisfying relationship with their loving Father that was previously unimaginable. Developed for either individual reflection or a weekly study group, this new book is an essential tool for building a biblically correct perspective of God.
For more information about the author and his book contact Robert Bernecker. You may find Who's Your Father? at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.
A CBM Christian Author Press Release sharing the love of the Father with the nations of the world.