Title: The Unspeakable
By: Tessa Stockton
Review Date: July 1, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
The Unspeakable by Christian novelist Tessa Stockton is an intriguing suspense thriller that portrays the story of a North American woman caught wrongfully imprisoned in Colombia. Due to tumultuous warfare between violent leftist guerrillas and rightwing paramilitary political groups, the young journalist finds herself fighting for her life and sanity as she endures extreme human rights violations. Trapped in what is called the "The Water Cave" for four months, one week and two days, she imagined and hoped that each day would be her last. Facing evil and torture from a man known as Puma, she experiences atrocities that can only be called, "unspeakable." To understand her position and witness her transformation, you must start from the beginning and follow her through to the end.
This is a fast-paced novel that really keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Written with a theme of forgiveness in mind, the author writes this suspense thriller to entertain and engage readers while weaving in a theme of redemption through forgiveness. Scripture is also accessed in the novel, giving hope where there is none. This is a very real drama that unfolds, but very well-written and believable. Her characters are well developed and you will find yourself not wanting to put the book down. Recommended for those that prefer novels that are filled with foreign country suspense, political drama and intrigue with a twist.
A highly recommended read ...
For more information visit Tessa Stockton. You may get your copy of The Unspeakable by Tessa Stockton at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and other fine-online bookstores.