By: Garry Stopa
ISBN-13: 978-1482002393
ISBN-10: 1482002396
Review Date: January 22, 2013
Review by: CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Christ Crucified by multi-published Christian author, Garry Stopa, reveals hidden truths from the books of Exodus, Numbers and Leviticus by giving the reader a fascinating book that reads like a novel. Exciting and intriguing, this novel presents these truths from the Old Testament to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. One will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the work of the Cross, giving way to Holy Communion that is our blessed privilege and assurance. An amazing overview of Christ's betrayal, arrest and soon to follow desertion by His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane follows. The author captures the essence of the intense emotion and suffering of Christ, as the truth of scripture is unveiled, giving way to the sacrifice that was soon to follow. The author has clearly given the blueprint of God's plan of redemption to all mankind, drawing all who seek into sweet and Holy Communion with Christ. Once one discovers that the curtain has been torn, the way is made clear, and that we may come boldly into our inheritance through Christ, lives forever change!
Presenting the reality and relevance of Holy Communion, the author notes that Holy Communion is much more than a religious ritual. Blessings, answered prayer and revelation are often directly connected with this revelation. Rich with scripture, the author gives an account of the redemptive powers of the blood of Jesus Christ that will touch all areas of one's life. This is no ordinary book, but gives the truth of scripture in a clear and concise manner. Offering hope, encouragement and blessings, it is the author's desire that all come into this close communion with the Lord. If you are looking for encouragement, need your faith ignited and yearn for a closer more intimate walk with the Lord, this is the book for you.
Christ Crucified is recommended for believers and unbelievers alike, and to those atheists and skeptics as well. The author opens blind eyes by speaking foundational biblical truths into the minds and spirits of all who read this biblically based book on the truth of the Gospel. Conveying the absolute need for salvation and the remission of sins, this is a must read for all Christians, new believers and those who question why salvation, sacrifice and communion is necessary, therefore shedding light on the many blessings available to all. Readers will find this read fascinating, refreshing and comprehensive on the subject of Christ crucified.
For more information about Christ Crucified and other books by Garry visit Books By Garry Stopa. You may also visit Garry Stopa's Amazon page to order his books. Be sure to visit Garry's blog at http://www.garrystopa.com/.
A CBM Christian Book Review, helping authors share Christ with the world.