Suppose you were a detective and six people showed up (an Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Mormon, Hindu and Christian) with different stories claiming to be the sole heir of a tremendous fortune. Could they all be telling the truth? No, you would immediately recognize the obvious problem, six people claiming to be the sole heir is a contradiction and could not possibly be true.
Therefore you would check out their stories and follow the evidence to uncover the truth. At some point their explanations would be contradictory to the facts in your investigation. Once you discover who the actual heir is, you would know for certain that the other five claims were false, no matter how close to the truth they appeared.
When it comes to God we have a similar situation. Many people have shown up and claim to know the truth about God. On the surface it may seem like most of them are headed in the same direction. But when we look closer, we see that they all contradict each other when it comes to the most important points, like salvation. Christianity is the sole belief that teaches salvation by God's grace, through faith alone. The others teach works (good deeds) and specific conditions as a necessity. Both can't be right.
Let's Dig Deeper Into The Truth
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Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing
For a further in depth look into the above thought provoking article, visit Gravity, True For You But Not For Me where you will find an abundance of thought provoking information about eternal life. You may also get your own free e-Book of Gravity, True For You But Not For Me on Smash Words and Amazon.
Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing